

Rebel Wolves jest nowym studiem, ale nasz zespół ma za sobą lata doświadczeń w pracy nad jednymi z najwyżej ocenionych i najpopularniejszych gier wszech czasów. Byliśmy współtwórcami takich tytułów jak „Wiedźmin 3”, „Cyberpunk 2077” i wielu innych.

Postanowiliśmy założyć własne studio i kierować nim po swojemu. Nasza kluczowa zasada: zespół jest najważniejszy. Zawsze. Zadowoleni ludzie tworzą wspaniałe gry – gry, na które gracze czekają i zasługują. Po prostu.

Jesteśmy weteranami branży, ale wciąż jesteśmy głodni nowych wyzwań. Chcemy tworzyć niezwykłe światy, pełne silnych emocji i niepowtarzalnych przeżyć. Ale przede wszystkim chcemy dzielić się naszą pasją do gier komputerowych. Wiemy, co lubią gracze, bo sami nimi jesteśmy.

Obecnie pracujemy nad własnym wysoko budżetowym tytułem, sagą RPG z mocnym naciskiem na fabułę, przeznaczona na komputery PC oraz konsole nowej generacji Cieszymy się, że nasz projekt wzbudził już takie zainteresowanie i nie możemy się doczekać, kiedy będziemy mogli powiedzieć o nim coś więcej. Obiecujemy, że oczekiwanie się opłaci


Chcemy zrobić dwie rzeczy. Myślicie, że to mało? Czytajcie dalej.

Po pierwsze, zamierzamy postawić kolejny, duży krok, w rozwoju gier RPG. Uwielbiany ten gatunek, spędzamy z nim mnóstwo godzin, a od lat tworzymy w oparciu o niego popularne gry. Tym razem chcemy postawić poprzeczkę jeszcze wyżej i jeszcze mocniej skupić się na jakości i innowacyjności. Nie chcemy zrobić „jeszcze jednego erpega”, ale coś naprawdę wyjątkowego. Jesteśmy specjalistami w swoich dziedzinach, wiemy, co potrafimy, ale przede wszystkim kochamy naszą pracę.

Po drugie – chcemy stworzyć studio, w którym deweloperzy mogą się rozwijać, dążyć do wspólnego celu i czuć się częścią przyjaznej wspólnoty. Naszym priorytetem jest zespół, a priorytetem zespołu jest tworzenie najlepszych na świecie gier RPG.

Brzmi zbyt ambitnie? Nie dla nas.


Trzy wartości są dla nas szczególnie ważne.


uczciwość. Chcemy być uczciwi wobec siebie, graczy i naszych partnerów biznesowych. Chcemy komunikować się w szczery i otwarty sposób, dawać z siebie wszystko i doceniać to, co otrzymujemy w zamian.


praca zespołowa. Chcemy stworzyć przestrzeń, w której różni twórcy spotykają się i udowadniają, że wspólnie można zrobić więcej. Miejsce, w którym ludzie wspierają się nawzajem i wzajemnie pomagają sobie w rozwoju. Gdzie każdy ma głos.


otwartość. Cenimy sobie szczerość. Chcemy wiedzieć, co myślą inni, i obiecujemy, że każdą opinię będziemy traktować z należytą uwagą. Mamy doświadczenie, ale jeszcze wiele musimy się nauczyć. Będziemy słuchać, tego co nam mówicie.


Firma stworzona z miłości do RPG



Obecnie pracujemy nad własnym wysoko budżetowym tytułem, osadzoną w realiach mrocznego fantasy grą RPG będącą pierwszą częścią planowanej sagi. Tak bardzo chcemy powiedzieć coś więcej, ale w tym momencie to wszystko, co możemy wyjawić. Irytujące, prawda?

Ale… Porozmawiajmy o tym, czym ta gra ma być, jak podchodzimy do jej tworzenia i co chcemy osiągnąć.


Uważamy gry za jedną z form sztuki – a prawdziwa sztuka jest ambitna. Ambicji zaś nam nie brakuje. Chcemy opowiadać historie, które wstrząsną graczami do głębi, wciągną ich w wir wydarzeń i sprawią, że zaczną wątpić w swoje instynkty. Chcemy stworzyć naprawdę wciągającą fabułę, doświadczenie, które zapada w pamięci, które wspomina się jeszcze długo po ukończeniu gry.


Naszym zdaniem gry powinny być dobrą zabawą. Naszym zamierzeniem jest tworzenie bogatych w treści i dynamicznych systemów rozgrywki, które odświeżą gatunek RPG. Gracze szybko poznają mechanikę gry – a potem spędzą długie godziny na zabawie, starając się znaleźć najlepszą konfigurację postaci.


Według nas gry powinny być jak najbardziej interaktywne i dawać graczom jak najwięcej swobody. Chcemy, aby gracze uzyskali wiele sposobów na rozwiązanie problemu, a następnie zmierzyli się z nim w wybrany przez siebie sposób. W nasze gry nie będzie dało się grać we „właściwy” czy „niewłaściwy” sposób – to gracze będą decydowali, jaką drogą chcą podążać.

Gotowi na nową sagę RPG?


Zespół główny

Kim jesteśmy?

Jesteśmy ekspertami. Każdy z nas jest światowej klasy specjalistą w swojej dziedzinie. Od dziesięcioleci zajmujemy się tworzeniem gier komputerowych i nadal chcemy podejmować nowe wyzwania.

Skupiamy się na tym, co ważne. Wiemy, co chcemy osiągnąć i jak to uczynić. Nie próbujemy nikomu niczego udowadniać – jesteśmy tu po to, by robić świetne gry i już.

Jesteśmy lojalni. Tworzymy zespół, naszą wilczą watahę. Jeden za wszystkich, wszyscy za jednego. Razem podejmujemy kluczowe decyzje. Dzielimy się zyskami. Komunikujemy się otwarcie i z szacunkiem.

Konrad Tomaszkiewicz

Konrad Tomaszkiewicz

Prezes i reżyser gry
Daniel Sadowski

Daniel Sadowski

Dyrektor designu

Jakub Szamałek

Dyrektor narracji i główny scenarzysta

Tomasz Tinc

Dyrektor ds. wydawniczych
Bartlomiej Gawel

Bartłomiej Gaweł

Dyrektor Artystyczny

Tomasz Wójcik

Dyrektor techniczy
Michal Boryka

Michał Boryka

Dyrektor finansowy
Przemysław Wójcik

Przemysław Wójcik

Producent wykonawczy
Robert Murzynowski

Robert Murzynowski

Szef studia

Marta Grabiec

Radca prawny

Izabella Samel-Kowalik

Menedżer ds. zasobów ludzkich


Dołącz do zespołu!

Wyruszamy na niesamowitą wyprawę: nie tylko tworzymy coś nowego i wspaniałego dla graczy, ale robimy to lepiej, z korzyścią dla wszystkich. Mamy plan, zgodnie z którym będziemy się rozwijać. To jest zew, na który czekaliście: dołącz do watahy Rebel Wolves i zyskaj istotny wpływ na tworzenie następnego arcydzieła RPG. Pracujemy w elastyczny sposób: w naszym nowym, pięknym biurze na warszawskim Ursynowie, w modelu hybrydowym, a także w pełni zdalnie.

Uwaga: nie jesteśmy zainteresowani współpracą z firmami oferującymi usługi rekrutacyjne i agencjami pracy.

Wszystkie działy

art and animation



Senior Gameplay Animator

Art And Animation

Company description
Rebel Wolves is a new studio, but our team comprises industry veterans with years of experience working on some of the most critically acclaimed video games ever. We co-created titles such as “The Witcher 3,” “Cyberpunk 2077,” and many others. We founded this studio to create and manage games on our own terms, with one guiding principle: the team comes first, always. Happy people make great games – games that players want and deserve. Yes, it’s as simple as that.
Though we are seasoned professionals, we are hungry for more. We aim to create amazing virtual worlds filled with powerful emotions and unique experiences. Most importantly, we want to share our boundless passion for video games. We know what players love because we’re players ourselves. Come join us and be a part of this exciting journey!
Website: https://rebel-wolves.com

Game description
We’re currently working on an AAA dark fantasy RPG—the first title of a planned saga set in our own brand-new universe. The visual style of animation is grounded and realistic.

Job description
As a Senior Gameplay Animator in our AAA studio, you will have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of animation-related activities. Your responsibilities will include planning and directing motion capture sessions, creating high-quality animation assets, and supporting the gameplay team in integrating animations within the engine. Most animations you will work on are motion-captured, and our primary software for creating gameplay animations is Autodesk MotionBuilder.


  • Creating and implementing a wide range of animations (humans, creatures, animals, combat, community) at an AAA quality level.
  • Planning and directing motion capture sessions.
  • Collaborating with the gameplay team and project directors to create an exceptional animation experience.

We seek a highly skilled Senior Gameplay Animator with extensive experience in the video game industry.

  • At least 5 years of experience as a Gameplay Animator with shipped titles of AA+ quality.
  • Exceptional proficiency in MotionBuilder is essential.
  • Proven experience in recording and working with motion capture data.
  • Expertise in animating humans and creatures/animals using motion capture and keyframe animation techniques.
  • Proficient user of Unreal Engine 5.
  • Fluent in English, with a minimum B2 level proficiency.

We offer

  • Cooperation based on a long-term contract.
  • Competitive salary.
  • Flexible working hours.
  • Remote work options: partially, or fully remote.
  • Strict no-crunch working environment, based on trust and mutual respect.
  • Modern office located in Ursynów close to the Metro Station.

If you are interested in this position, please send us your CV and a demo reel showcasing your skills as an animator here: https://system.erecruiter.pl/FormTemplates/RecruitmentForm.aspx?WebID=2f4e602e793344a187a85b58f7208a12

Please be advised that we will only contact shortlisted candidates.

By clicking the "Apply" button or otherwise sending a recruitment application to REBEL WOLVES sp. z o.o. with its registered office in: Dereniowa 60/U4, 02-776 Warsaw (Employer - data administrator), you agree to the processing by the Employer of your personal data contained in the recruitment application for the purpose of recruiting for the position indicated in the advertisement. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Full information on the processing of your personal data can be found here.

Producer/Senior Producer


Rebel Wolves are, at its core, a team of experienced veterans, who want to make great, and innovative Role-Playing Games! We’re working on a brand new story-driven AAA RPG Saga for PCs and consoles in Unreal Engine 5. And we’re looking for new people to join us!

Website: https://rebel-wolves.com

We are looking for a Producer to join our team and to help us with upcoming challenges.
If you love to make games and have a holistic view on the game production process you are the right candidate.

There are multiple “quests” to be accomplished as a producer at Rebel Wolves.
In Narrative, Localization and Outsource.
It’s up to you to choose your non linear path that would suit you best.

We are looking for someone who is not afraid to go above and beyond one speciality. We are looking for a producer that will help with game development on every stage not only focusing on tables and charts.

You will be responsible for long-term and day-to-day work with dev teams to help them define and achieve their goals.

Here is what we require:

  • At least 4 years of experience as a game producer (preferably in AAA team environment)
  • Various project management tools experience
  • Ability to co-manage teams of at least 5 - 10 members
  • Self-motivation, good communication skills, and a great team-player attitude
  • Ability to work multiple disciplines like Gameplay and Animation
  • Experience in cooperation with outsource vendors
  • Ability to adapt to changes in a rapid and agile environment and work in an iterative environment
  • Passion for games
  • Fluent English

Here is what we offer:

  • Cooperation based on a long-term contract
  • Competitive salary
  • Flexible working hours
  • Remote work options: partially, or fully remote
  • Strict no-crunch working environment, based on trust and mutual respect
  • Modern office located in Ursynów close to the Metro Station

Still here? Good!

If you are interested in working with us, please send us your CV here: https://system.erecruiter.pl/FormTemplates/RecruitmentForm.aspx?WebID=21a0ff90054547e0a5a889110e26fe02

We’re waiting for you!

Please be advised that we will contact only shortlisted Candidates.

By clicking the "Apply" button or otherwise sending a recruitment application to REBEL WOLVES sp. z o.o. with its registered office in: Dereniowa 60/U4, 02-776 Warsaw (Employer - data administrator), you agree to the processing by the Employer of your personal data contained in the recruitment application for the purpose of recruiting for the position indicated in the advertisement. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Full information on the processing of your personal data can be found here.

3D Character Artist

Art And Animation

Rebel Wolves is a new studio, but our team has years of experience working on some of the most critically acclaimed video games of all time. We co-created titles such as “The Witcher 3”, “Cyberpunk 2077”, and many others. We decided to create our studio and run it on our own terms. Chief among them: the team comes first, always. Happy people make great games – games players want and deserve. Yes, it’s as simple as that.
We’re industry veterans, but we’re hungry for more. We want to create amazing virtual worlds, filled to the brim with powerful emotions and unique experiences. Most of all, we want to share our boundless passion for video games. We know what players love because we’re players ourselves. Come join us!

Website: https://rebel-wolves.com

Game description
We’re currently working on an AAA, dark fantasy RPG – the first title of a planned saga set in our own, brand-new universe.


  • Creating top-quality character-related models and textures to set the quality bar for our project from prototype to optimization;
  • Collaborating with Tech Art and Engineering team in planning and implementing our art pipeline;
  • Working closely with the Art Director, Directors, and Leads to drive and maintain the artistic vision of a project;
  • Working creatively and willingly with the feedback;
  • Maintaining the production pipeline and meeting deadlines.


  • Self-motivation, good communication skills, and a great team-player attitude;
  • Specialization in organic forms as well as hard surface modeling;
  • Outstanding modeling and texturing skills;
  • Strong understanding of human form and anatomy;
  • A high level of expertise in tools for modeling (ZBrush, Marvelous Designer, Substance Painter, Blender, or similar 3D software);
  • Ability to work creatively with a concept and feedback;
  • Ability to mentor less experienced artists;
  • A minimum of 5 years experience in game development as a Character Artist;
  • Fluent English.

Nice to have:

  • Experience in drawing or painting.

We offer:

  • Competitive salary, including a share in profits after the game’s release;
  • Flexible work environment: on-site, remote, and hybrid options available, with flexible working hours (core hours 11 am - 3 pm);
  • Strict no-crunch working environment, based on trust and mutual respect;
  • Modern office located in Ursynów close to the Metro Station.

If you are interested in working with us, please send us your CV along with a sample of your portfolio here: https://system.erecruiter.pl/FormTemplates/RecruitmentForm.aspx?WebID=954c7fd6648a4cfe9991f690ad27f064

Please be advised that we will contact only shortlisted Candidates.

By clicking the "Apply" button or otherwise sending a recruitment application to REBEL WOLVES sp. z o.o. with its registered office in: Dereniowa 60/U4, 02-776 Warsaw (Employer - data administrator), you agree to the processing by the Employer of your personal data contained in the recruitment application for the purpose of recruiting for the position indicated in the advertisement. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Full information on the processing of your personal data can be found here.

VFX Artist / Senior VFX Artist

Art And Animation

Rebel Wolves is a new studio, but our team has years of experience working on some of the most critically acclaimed video games of all time. We co-created titles such as “The Witcher 3”, “Cyberpunk 2077”, and many others. We decided to create our studio and run it on our own terms. Chief among them: the team comes first, always. Happy people make great games – games players want and deserve. Yes, it’s as simple as that.
We’re industry veterans, but we’re hungry for more. We want to create amazing virtual worlds, filled to the brim with powerful emotions and unique experiences. Most of all, we want to share our boundless passion for video games. We know what players love because we’re players ourselves. Come join us!

Game description
We’re currently working on an AAA, dark fantasy RPG – the first title of a planned saga set in our own, brand-new universe.
Website: https://rebel-wolves.com


  • Create high-quality wide range of VFX for AAA game.
  • Research and implement new, innovative VFX techniques.
  • Create and improve VFX pipelines with programmers, art, and design teams.
  • Work with the art team and design to effectively establish the vision.
  • Monitoring VFX impact on performance- work within rendering budgets.


  • At least 2 years of experience in real-time VFX creation for games with several published titles showcasing your work.
  • Familiar with Unreal Engine's Niagara Systems.
  • Excellent taste for all visual effects elements.
  • Great understanding of simulation techniques and technologies relating to effects.
  • Introduce and streamline next-generation VFX assets workflows into the pipeline.
  • Must be able to perform under tight deadlines and deliver high-fidelity art.
  • Proven problem-solving and prototyping ability.
  • Self-motivation, good communication skills, and a great team-player attitude.
  • A passion for story-driven role playing games.
  • Fluent English.

We offer:

  • Cooperation based on a long-term contract.
  • Competitive salary.
  • Flexible working hours (core hours 11 am - 3 pm).
  • Remote work options: partially, or fully remote.
  • Strict no-crunch working environment, based on trust and mutual respect.
  • Modern office located in Ursynów close to the Metro Station.

If you are interested in working with us, please send us your CV along with your portfolio here: https://system.erecruiter.pl/FormTemplates/RecruitmentForm.aspx?WebID=9e23bf52e61a44cb885a3b5af91e5001

Please be advised that we will contact only shortlisted Candidates.

By clicking the "Apply" button or otherwise sending a recruitment application to REBEL WOLVES sp. z o.o. with its registered office in: Dereniowa 60/U4, 02-776 Warsaw (Employer - data administrator), you agree to the processing by the Employer of your personal data contained in the recruitment application for the purpose of recruiting for the position indicated in the advertisement. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Full information on the processing of your personal data can be found here.

Senior/ Lead Combat Designer


Rebel Wolves is a new studio, but our team has years of experience working on some of the most critically acclaimed video games of all times. We co-created titles such as “The Witcher 3”, “Cyberpunk 2077”, and many others. We decided to create our own studio and run it on our own terms. Chief among them: the team comes first, always. Happy people make great games – games players want and deserve. Yes, it’s as simple as that.
We’re industry veterans, but we’re hungry for more. We want to create amazing virtual worlds, filled to the brim with powerful emotions and unique experiences. Most of all, we want to share our boundless passion for video games. We know what players love, because we’re players ourselves. Come join us!

We’re working on The Blood of Dawnwalker - AAA story-driven dark fantasy RPG for PCs and consoles in Unreal Engine 5. And we’re looking for you to join us!

Website: https://rebel-wolves.com

The Blood of Dawnwalker features a unique, immersive melee combat system. As we ramp up production towards the game's release, we are looking for an experienced combat designer to join us in a senior and/or leadership role, and help us deliver a truly one-of-a-kind gameplay experience!

As a Senior/Lead Combat Designer you will be responsible for leading a team of combat designers, designing, prototyping, and polishing combat mechanics, enemies, boss fights, combat skills, and much more!

You will work in a multidisciplinary team, closely together with artists, animators, quest designers, and programmers to deliver state of the art combat gameplay experience!

Here is what we require:

  • At least 2 years of experience as a combat designer in a senior/lead role, with at least one commercially shipped title.
  • Very good knowledge of Unreal Engine 5 and Blueprints.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English.
  • A proactive work ethic.

Here is what we offer:

  • Competitive salary, including a share in profits after the game’s release.
  • Flexible work environment: on-site, remote, and hybrid options available, with flexible working hours (core hours 11 am - 3 pm).
  • Strict no-crunch working environment, based on trust and mutual respect.
  • Modern office located in Ursynów close to the Metro Station.

Still here? Good!
Drop us a line together with your CV and portfolio here:

We’re waiting for you!

Please be advised that we will contact only shortlisted Candidates.

By clicking the "Apply" button or otherwise sending a recruitment application to REBEL WOLVES sp. z o.o. with its registered office in: Dereniowa 60/U4, 02-776 Warsaw (Employer - data administrator), you agree to the processing by the Employer of your personal data contained in the recruitment application for the purpose of recruiting for the position indicated in the advertisement. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Full information on the processing of your personal data can be found here.

Senior Sound Designer

Rebel Wolves is, at its core, a team of experienced veterans, who want to make great, and innovative Role-Playing Games! We’re working on a brand new AAA story-driven dark fantasy RPG for PCs and consoles in Unreal Engine 5. And we’re looking for you to join us!

Great RPGs tell amazing stories and provide players with genuine emotions. We believe that the sound layer is crucial for the giving-the-thrills kind of experience that we want to create.

As the ideal candidate for this position, you are a seasoned veteran, you know your craft and have played a significant role in the completion of at least one major project from beginning to an end.

In this highly collaborative team-centric role, you will work closely with other members of the studio across a wide variety of disciplines.
Rebel Wolves has high standards for our audio quality. You will meet and surpass them to push the boundaries of narrative audio experience in our game.

Please provide links to any relevant work history and a demo reel showcasing previous work. Please note a test might be required of select candidates. While we highly value candidates with different experiences, there will be no music composition involved in this role. This position is for sound designers only. Please be advised that we are currently seeking candidates who are able to work within the CET time zone.


  • Record, edit and design sound effects using industry standard methods and tools;
  • Implement sound effects into the game using proprietary methods and tools;
  • Collaborate with the Audio Team to adequately plan and implement upon narrative goals of the project;
  • Collaborate with technical sound designer and other sound designers to develop audio systems based on creative vision and gameplay needs;
  • Collaborate with other non-audio teams (designers, animators, cinematic artists, programmers, etc.) to achieve the highest quality audio experience across each aspect of the game;
  • Inspire partnership and collaboration inside and outside the Audio Team.

Requirements & Skills:

  • Minimum 5 years experience in game audio;
  • Shipped at least 1 AAA title, or worked on equivalent sized linear media project, completing at least one full development cycle with significant contribution to the project;
  • Excellent sound design skills with emphasis on your creativity;
  • Proficient in a DAW of choice, including most industry standard plugins and toolsets (iZotope, Waves, Fabfilter, etc.);
  • Experienced with audio middleware solutions (Wwise);
  • Experienced with version control software (Perforce);
  • Fluent in English;
  • Strong communication skills, both spoken and written;
  • Ability to prioritize and take ownership and responsibility for specific audio areas in game both as a part of team and working independently;
  • Excellent work ethic, positive attitude and proactive approach to collaboration with other departments.

Bonus Skills:

  • Experience with Unreal Engine and Blueprints;
  • Experience with using recording gear, microphones, etc.
  • Knowledge of audio signal processing, mixing, sample rates, data compression, filters, reverbs, 3D positional audio, etc.;
  • Knowledge of mix specifications in a variety of media (console, internet, broadcast, etc.);
  • Understanding of next gen console audio capabilities and functionality;
  • Experience implementing sounds on multiple game platforms.

Here is what we offer:

  • Competitive salary depending on your skills;
  • Cooperation based on a long-term contract;
  • Flexible working hours (core hours 11am - 3pm);
  • Remote work options: partially, or fully remote;
  • Strict no-crunch working environment, based on trust and mutual respect;
  • Modern office located in Ursynów close to the Metro Station.

Still here? Good!
If you’re interested in working with us, please provide CV, links to any relevant work history and a demo reel showcasing previous work here: https://system.erecruiter.pl/FormTemplates/RecruitmentForm.aspx?WebID=48d3478fb101427e9348f210dc59ef0e

Due to the large number of applications, we would like to kindly inform you that we will contact only selected candidates back. If that won't be the case this time - we encourage you to apply in the future for new openings.

By clicking the "Apply" button or otherwise sending a recruitment application to REBEL WOLVES sp. z o.o. with its registered office in: Dereniowa 60/U4, 02-776 Warsaw (Employer - data administrator), you agree to the processing by the Employer of your personal data contained in the recruitment application for the purpose of recruiting for the position indicated in the advertisement. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Full information on the processing of your personal data can be found here.

Lead / Senior Tech Artist

Art And Animation

Rebel Wolves is a new studio, but our team has years of experience working on some of the most critically acclaimed video games of all time. We co-created titles such as “The Witcher 3”, “Cyberpunk 2077”, and many others. We decided to create and run our own studio on our own terms. Chief among them: the team comes first, always. Happy people make great games – games players want and deserve. Yes, it’s as simple as that.
We’re industry veterans, but we’re hungry for more. We want to create amazing virtual worlds filled to the brim with powerful emotions and unique experiences. Most of all, we want to share our boundless passion for video games. We know what players love because we’re players ourselves.

We’re working on The Blood of Dawnwalker - AAA story-driven dark fantasy RPG for PCs and consoles in Unreal Engine 5. And we’re looking for you to join us!

Website: https://rebel-wolves.com

The Blood of Dawnwalker features a unique, immersive melee combat system, and the animation's visual style is grounded and realistic. As we ramp up production towards the game's release, we are looking for an experienced Tech Artist or Tech Animator to join us in a senior and/or leadership role and help us deliver a truly one-of-a-kind gameplay experience!

As a Lead/Senior Tech Artist, you will play a pivotal role in our team, taking responsibility for anticipating and addressing risks related to the project’s technical challenges. You will lead a team of Tech Animators and Tech Artists while managing multiple technical systems and processes with interdependencies.
You will collaborate closely with a multidisciplinary team of artists, animators, and programmers to align creative and technical perspectives, ensuring the delivery of the best possible solutions.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Lead and mentor a team of Technical Animators and Technical Artists.
  • Identify and mitigate technical risks within the project’s pipeline.
  • Develop and implement efficient technical solutions across assets and processes.
  • Collaborate with artists, animators, and programmers to streamline workflows.


  • Experience: Minimum 7 years as a Technical Animator or Technical Artist in a senior/lead role, including at least one commercially shipped AAA title.
  • Engine Expertise: Deep knowledge of Unreal Engine 5.
  • Optimization Skills: Proven experience in overall asset optimization, including profiling tools such as Unreal Insights.
  • Platform Knowledge: Hands-on experience with console optimization (XSS and/or PS5).
  • Technical Skills: Basic rendering programming skills.
  • Metahuman: Familiarity with Metahuman (a plus, but not required).
  • Communication: Strong proficiency in both written and spoken English.
  • Work Style: Proactive and solution-oriented mindset.

What We Offer:

  • Competitive Compensation: Enjoy a competitive salary, with the possibility of a profit share after the game’s release
  • Flexible Work Environment: Choose the best setup for you—on-site, remote, or hybrid—with flexible working hours (core hours: 11 AM - 3 PM).
  • Healthy Work Culture: We prioritize trust and mutual respect, ensuring a strict no-crunch policy.
  • Modern Workspace: Work in a contemporary office located in Ursynów, conveniently near the Metro station.

Ready to Join Us? Good!
Drop us a line together with your CV and demo reel showcasing your skills here: https://system.erecruiter.pl/FormTemplates/RecruitmentForm.aspx?WebID=8d26556f7d5f461ba163b05c65a99ed3

Please be advised that we will only contact shortlisted Candidates.

By clicking the "Apply" button or otherwise sending a recruitment application to REBEL WOLVES sp. z o.o. with its registered office in: Dereniowa 60/U4, 02-776 Warsaw (Employer - data administrator), you agree to the processing by the Employer of your personal data contained in the recruitment application for the purpose of recruiting for the position indicated in the advertisement. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Full information on the processing of your personal data can be found here.
